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ACTION GROUP training dedicated to uplifting the standards of service in the security industry through comprehensive and innovative training of security personnel. Each ACTION GROUP security practitioner, from security guards to senior management, undergoes entry-level and continuous training programs conducted by ACTION GROUP Security Solutions, providing the individual with world-class skills in threat detection, protection, combat, fire-fighting, materials control & accounting, as well as soft-skills such as courtesy, positive attitude and loyalty towards client. ACTION GROUP's path-breaking training modules enable security guards not only to handle physical security requirements, but also situations that call for intelligence and judgement. We provide professional training to our security guard and security officers in preparing them for any mishappening and loss prevention.


Within any commercial setting, it’s a legal requirement for certain members of staff to be trained in fire safety procedures – becoming your environment’s designated fire wardens as a result. The person trained should have a clear understanding of the overall duties and responsibilities they have as a fire warden. This will include: what action they should take on the discovery of a fire, know the difference between different fire classes, which extinguisher to use for which fire and what the evacuation procedure is.

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On-the-job training (OJT) is a practical approach to acquiring new competencies and skills needed for a job in a real, or close to real, working environment. It is often used to learn how to use particular tools or equipment in a live-work practice, simulated, or training environment. Rather than showing employees presentations or giving them worksheets, they learn about the job by doing it. This training happens at the workplace, with guidance from a supervisor, manager, or another knowledgeable employee. New employees that undergo on-the-job training get a firsthand look at all the work procedures they can expect to encounter. They learn workplace expectations, equipment operation, and any other skill they need to complete their job successfully. On-the-job training may take anywhere from days to weeks or longer, depending on the tasks the job requires. Often, new employees start by shadowing other employees and then move onto completing these tasks with supervision.


Our security personnel are provided with special training to have basic knowledge about accidents as well as instant serious illnesses like serious burn injury, gas tragedies, de-hydration, cardiac attack, electric shock and the systematic procedures followed to save the victims under such situations. At the end of the training session, the trainees are able to obtain assistance to evacuate the victims for specialize treatment and have knowledge of contents and usage of first aid box.

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First Aid for Bleeding

  • If someone is injured and bleeding, there are a few basics about how blood works that will be helpful for you to know.
  • The color of the blood and how it’s leaving the body can give you a sense of the extent of the injury
  • Capillaries: Bleeding from the smallest blood vessels (capillaries) looks like a trickle. This kind of bleeding usually stops on its own.
  • Veins: A consistent blood flow and blood that’s a dark red color is most likely coming from the veins. This type of bleeding can range from mild to severe
  • Arteries: Arteries are the largest blood vessels and carry a lot of oxygen. If they are injured, bright red blood will spurt out. Blood can be lost very fast with this kind of bleeding
  • Wash your hands or put on disposable gloves if you have them. This will protect you from infectious diseases like viral hepatitis and HIV/AIDS that can be spread in a person’s blood